Surveying Academy Members
Conducting Survey Research of Academy Members
The American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (the Academy) is committed to the advancement of research within the Orthotic, Prosthetic, and Pedorthic profession and encourages research in related fields. As a service to the O&P profession and the healthcare community, the Academy will distribute approved research survey invitations.
Survey distribution does not represent an endorsement of a research project. The Academy acts solely as an agent for disseminating research surveys to help inform the future of quality patient care.
Application and Review Process
Requests for survey distribution will undergo review from the Academy’s Research Council. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the year; however, no more than three surveys will be approved for distribution during the span of one year. Application submission deadlines are January 15, April 15, and September 15.
Fees and Distribution
A $30 non-refundable application fee must be paid at the time of application submission. If an application is denied, reapplication is permitted during the next submission cycle; a new application fee will be assessed. Accepted applications will be assessed with a $350 distribution fee.
Approved surveys will be distributed once via a targeted email to specific Academy members based on the distribution specifications in the application. A link to the approved survey will be included in the Academy ADVANTAGE e-newsletter.