Advocacy Archives and Position Statement
The Academy is involved in public policy that directly impacts the ability of practitioners to serve their patients. Issues of concern include licensure, education, reimbursement, and research. The Academy Public Policy Committee focuses on legislative and advocacy issues from the perspective of an Academy practitioner as well as the profession. The Academy is a member of the O&P Alliance which endeavors to speak with a unified voice for the profession when addressing legislators and federal agencies.
- Advocacy Update - CMS Posts Lower Limb Prosthetic Work Group Consensus Document
- Advocacy Update - Patient Notes Will Be Considered by CMS
- Advocacy Update - Benefits Improvement and Protection Act (BIPA 427) CMS to Withdraw Proposed Rule
- Advocacy Alert - BIPA 427 Withdrawn
- Advocacy Action Alert - BIPA Sec. 427 Comments to CMS Needed
- Advocacy Update - The Affordable Care Act
- Advocacy Update -Call to Action - BIPA Sec. 427 (D0704668)
- Advocacy Update -Call to Action - Participate in a NIDILRR Public Listening Session
- Advocacy Update - Major Victory on Medicare ALJ Hearing Backlog
- Advocacy Update - Academy Leads in Developing Clear Path for O&P Research
- Position Statement on 3D Printed Orthoses and Prostheses
- Position Statement on Orthotic and Prosthetic Professional Standards and Qualifications
- Joint Statement on White House Response to LCD Petition (11-3-15)
- Joint Statement on White House Response to LCD Petition (10-21-15)
- Position Statement on Cranial Remolding Helmets
- Position Statement on Minimum Education Essentials & Credentialing for Providers of Custom-fabricated and Custom-fit Orthoses and Prostheses
- Position Statement on State Licensure
- Position Statement on Providing Expert Witness Testimony
- Position Statement on Ethical Conduct of Orthotic and Prosthetic Practitioners
- Academy Comments on Proposed LCD on Lower Limb Prostheses (DL33787)
- Academy Support for Reauthorization of TBI Act
- Academy Support for H.R. 1958