Mentoring Program

The Academy mentoring program pairs new entrants in the profession with mentors on an annual cycle. The objective of the Academy Mentoring Program is to foster relationships within the profession that facilitate networking, interaction, and professional growth.  Participation in the program is only available to Academy members in good standing.   


Facilitate networking to expand channels for goal realization for both mentors and protégés. Connect participants to opportunities for increased involvement in the Academy and in the field of Orthotics and Prosthetics.

Create a framework for interaction between students/residents with experienced professionals in clinical work and research.

Challenge participants to think about and verbalize future goals and ways to work toward them.

Develop relationships that foster encouragement through accomplishments, frustrations, and all life experiences.

Expectations of Participants:

  • Contact at least once a month via phone, text, email, or Zoom.
    • One goal-setting session and regular follow-ups are strongly encouraged. Goal-setting session should include:
      • The main goal of a mentorship relationship
      • One long-term and one short-term professional/personal goal
    • The Mentoring Program will send out three conversation starters monthly: Professional Development Tools, Clinical Highlights, and a Technical Topic, and also highlight Academy resources. 

Pairing Guidelines:

  • Must be an Academy Member in good standing.
  • Must be an ABC-certified practitioner with a minimum of three years experience.
Senior Protégé
  • Must be an Academy Member in good standing.
  • May be a current orthotics/prosthetics resident through the NCOPE program.
  • May be an ABC-certified practitioner with any amount of experience who wants to expand knowledge in an area of special interest.
Junior Protégé
  • Must be an Academy Member in good standing.
  • May be either a current orthotics/prosthetics resident or a student through the NCOPE program.
  • Mentors may be paired with up to two protégés.
  • A Senior Protégé may be both a mentor to a student/resident (Junior Protégé) and a protégé to a more experienced clinician.
  • Pairs/groups may be matched based on interest or geography per their request.

Timeline of Program:

  • Year-Round.

Benefits for Protégé:

  • Will have a dedicated senior clinician to help develop goals, make plans to achieve them, and provide resources for achieving the goals
  • Gain experience in interacting with orthotic and prosthetic professionals.
  • Access to people who have experienced orthotics and prosthetics school, residency, and beyond.
  • Guidance in research and clinical practices.
  • Support through professional/personal experiences

Benefits for Mentors:

  • Opportunity to contribute to the advancement of the field of orthotics and prosthetics by fostering the development of new practitioners
  • Opportunity for reflection on past experiences
  • Connection to academia
  • Input of research ideas for school/residency research projects.
  • Support through professional/personal experiences.

What does it take to be a good protégé?:

Be teachable, take initiative, and honor your commitment. Be willing to learn new things, obtain another perspective, and be responsive to suggestions and constructive criticism. Commit to initiating monthly contact with meaningful discussion. Be appreciative of your mentor's time and investment; mentors usually have very demanding jobs and will participate because they are committed to mentoring. Respond promptly to your mentor's questions and comments.

What does it take to be a good mentor?:

Be flexible, take the initiative, and be responsive. Remember what it was like when you were in your protégé's position. Foster discussions by suggesting topics, sharing personal experiences, and posing questions. Be responsive to your protégé's questions and comments promptly. Challenge your protégé to achieve their goals and to be an active participant in the field of orthotics and prosthetics as a whole.

Email the Academy Mentoring Program if you have any questions.