Journal Club

Are you a busy clinician who wishes to implement evidence-based practice techniques? The Academy's Evidence-Based Practice Committee has a solution for you: Academy Journal Club.

Journal Club sessions are offered bi-monthly through the Academy's Online Learning Center (OLC). In order to receive credit, participants will need to:

  1. Read the designated article for the session
  2. Review the summary presentation on the OLC
  3. Discuss the article with your colleagues and/or with whom you choose to form a local club. You and your journal club colleagues may also post questions or comments to the national discussion board via the Online Learning Center.
  4. Take the course exam on the OLC

Before participating in Journal Club, we recommend reading these two articles:

This Session's Article:

The Influence of Night-Time Bracking on Curve Progression is not affected by Curve Magnitude in Adolescent idiopathic Scoliosis: A Study of 299 Patients

November 1-December 31, 2024

 Read this article, then head over to the Journal Club section of the Academy's Online Learning Center to review the presentation. Next, discuss this research with your colleagues and/or local journal club, post to the discussion board, and take the quiz for continuing education credit.