Effects of prosthetic feet on metabolic energy expenditure in people with transtibial amputation
Morgan SJ, Halsne EG, Morgenroth DC, Humbert AT, Hafner BJ
Key Points
- Prosthetic foot type does not generally affect energy costs under most walking and running conditions, however, prosthetic feet with powered dorsiflexion do significantly reduce energy costs relative to dynamic response feet when prosthesis users walk at slow speeds on level ground or declines.
- Multi-axis feet and vertical shock feet may reduce energy costs relative to SACH feet when prosthesis users walk at slow and fast speeds, respectively, but more research is needed to confirm this finding.
- Because energy cost does not differ across most prosthetic foot types, clinicians are advised to consider other outcomes (eg, mobility, stability) when prescribing or evaluating prosthetic feet.
Clinical Problem/TopicPeople with lower limb amputation generally require greater effort to walk and run compared to people without amputation. The increased effort experienced by people with amputation may be reduced, in part, with the use of prosthetic devices designed to increase energy efficiency. This Clinical Knowledge Summary (CKS) presents the results of studies that assess the effects of prosthetic feet on energy efficiency during gait in people with transtibial amputation. Background InformationThe ability to move effectively and efficiently from one place to another is often impaired in people with a lower limb difference or amputation. Although mobility for someone with transtibial amputation can be partially restored through the provision of a prosthesis, even the most advanced prosthetic technologies cannot fully replicate the movement and functions of the biological limb. Thus, moving with a prosthesis is generally less efficient, and activities like walking and running require greater effort.1 For example, energy cost (i.e., gait efficiency) at self-selected or comfortable walking speed is reported to be between 12% and 33% greater in transtibial prosthesis users than in people without amputation.1-4 Similarly, transtibial prosthesis users require 8% to 38% more energy to run than runners without amputation.5,6 Increasingly sophisticated prosthetic feet have been developed over the last 40 years in an attempt to mitigate the functional and metabolic deficits associated with a lower limb amputation. Advances in prosthetic materials, designs, and technology have prompted the development and commercialization of a wide variety of prosthetic feet.7,8 Several studies have been conducted to assess whether different types of prosthetic feet can reduce energy costs associated with walking9-18 or running5,6 with a prosthesis. These studies have been conducted on a treadmill or overground and typically use portable respirometers or other indirect calorimetry systems to measure expired gases (Figure 1).19 Using these methods, investigators can estimate energy costs associated with a variety of activities (e.g., walking, running) and terrain conditions (e.g., level ground, inclines). ![]() While research that assesses energetic outcomes in people with amputation is ongoing, the most recent systematic review20 on the topic was published over 15 years ago and does not include the most current evidence or reflect contemporary prosthetic components and research methodologies. This CKS describes clinically-relevant findings from a 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis on energetic comparisons between prosthetic feet.21 The review and meta-analysis focused on studies that assess the relative effects of different prosthetic feet on transtibial prosthesis users' energetic outcomes. The results presented in this summary will inform clinicians about the influence of prosthetic foot type on gait efficiency. Management/Clinical Practice ImplicationsEnergy costs while walking on level groundIn general, prosthetic foot type did not influence energy costs when walking on a treadmill.6,22-25 However, a reduction in energy costs was found for prosthetic feet with powered dorsiflexion compared to dynamic response feet when walking at slow speeds (effect size: 0.35; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.63; p=0.02).26,27 This finding indicates that feet with powered dorsiflexion may have energetic benefits for users walking on level ground, but other types of feet are unlikely to meaningfully affect energy costs. Energy costs while walking on inclines/declinesCompared to dynamic response feet, prosthetic feet with powered dorsiflexion significantly reduced energy costs when walking on a declined (-5 degree) treadmill (effect size: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.21, 0.80; p=0.001).26,27 This finding suggests that people with amputation can descend ramps and hills with improved efficiency when using feet that have powered control of dorsiflexion. There was insufficient evidence to determine the effect of powered prosthetic feet on inclines. Energy costs while running on level groundIn general, prosthetic foot type did not influence energy costs while running in comparisons of SACH and dynamic response feet and comparisons of dynamic response and running-specific feet. These results were drawn from small, pooled samples (<9 participants total), and the variability of data from these small samples may have contributed to the lack of significant findings. Other findings from single studiesUnconfirmed results of single studies not included in meta-analyses indicated the following: (1) multi-axis feet may decrease energy costs relative to SACH feet on level terrain;14 (2) feet with integrated vertical shock absorption may reduce energy costs at fast walking speeds;23 and (3) J-shaped running-specific feet may reduce energy costs compared to C-shaped designs when running on level ground.28 EvidenceStudiesThis systematic review and meta-analysis on energetic comparisons between feet included findings from 15 articles published between 1992 and 2018.21 Data from studies that compared the same foot types at similar speeds, and conditions were grouped. The number of studies that compared any two types of feet ranged between one and five. If at least two studies were available for any comparison, a meta-analysis was used to assess the effect of foot type on energy costs across studies. Sample sizeData from a total of 141 participants were included from the reviewed studies. The median sample size was eight participants, and samples ranged from 3-27 across studies. Thus, most studies may not have sufficient sample sizes to detect significant differences. Participant characteristicsStudy samples were predominantly male (88%) with unilateral amputation (96%) from non-dysvascular causes (88%). Most participants (56%) were classified as unlimited community ambulators or active adults. Thus, the findings of this review and meta-analysis are best generalized to men with unilateral amputation from non-dysvascular etiologies. Use caution when generalizing results to patients not well-represented in this body of literature. References
Reference for Full Systematic ReviewAcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by a research grant from the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs through the Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program under Award No. W81XWH-15-1-0458. Suggested CitationMorgan SJ, Halsne EG, Morgenroth DC, Humbert AT, Hafner BJ. American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists (AAOP) Clinical Knowledge Summary: Effects of prosthetic feet on metabolic energy expenditure in transtibial amputation patients. Washington DC, 2021. |